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Tap our experts to custom design engaging, thought-provoking multi-day experiences to align priorities and enhance relationships.

About expert support

Take your team offsite to participate in a customized, multi-day retreat. Our senior expert partners will design engaging and thought-provoking experiences tailored to your priorities so your team can focus on identifying a solution to a challenge you are facing. To prepare for this customized experience, retreats can require internal interviews with you and your team, document review, or data analysis. Retreats can include, but are not limited to, the topics in our presentation and workshop topic guide. Fill out our form to learn more about customizing a retreat for your team today.

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Request more information about our Retreats

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Other expert support options to fit your needs


When your team, board, and/or customers need to better understand a specific industry issue or be challenged to change the way they think about a certain healthcare topic, our skilled experts are available to present high-quality, focused content on a range of topics. Advisory Board Presentations help foster a greater understanding of an issue within the context of your organization.


Whether your team is stuck on a challenge, or your big initiative has stalled, Advisory Board Workshops bring our experienced experts to you to help your team, leaders, or board effectively navigate the details and stakeholders involved in the specific questions you’re asking. Featuring interactive exercises and guided conversations, our workshops push attendees to dig into an issue and come away with actionable solutions.

Expert conversations

When you need an outside perspective from someone with expertise on a specific healthcare problem, topic, or idea, Advisory Board expert conversations allow you to connect with our researchers for quick, informal discussions. Expert conversations are available through our Research Membership.

Explore our products and services

Research Membership

Get timely, unfettered access to deep insights on healthcare's most pressing issues, industry sector dynamics, and stakeholder perspectives. You will have full access to all research and data tools, an assortment of daily and monthly e-newsletters, a variety of live and recorded webinars, and on-demand access to expert researchers.

Custom Research

Accelerate your organization's strategy with custom research. Whether it’s for your own organization or your clients’, let us help you solve your most pressing challenges with original research and insights conducted by our experts.

Advisory Board Events

Our exclusive roundtables and topical summits will connect you with other top leaders and prepare you to tackle your top challenges.

Advisory Board Fellowship

Advisory Board Fellowship is an 18-month, advanced executive-development program that helps organizations navigate complexity, solve difficult challenges, and achieve breakthrough performance.

On-Demand Courses

Our self-directed, on-demand video courses close the knowledge gap on all things healthcare — including business skills, commercial and market dynamics, industry disrupters, and leadership.


Partner with Advisory Board on thought leadership opportunities to educate your customers and elevate your brand’s presence on the most complex issues in healthcare.

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