Daily Briefing

Weekly review: 6 tips to boost your well-being at work

Researchers uncover a genetic link to long COVID, how to become a collaborative leader, and more.

Do you always need surgery for a torn ACL? (Monday, July 10)

Most knee experts believe a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is irreparable and requires surgery, but a new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that torn ACLs may be able to heal on their own, which could reduce the need for a surgery that costs an average of $24,707, Gretchen Reynolds reports for the Washington Post.

6 tips to boost your well-being at work (Tuesday, July 11)

Many factors impact employee well-being, including your workload and flexibility, management, and team culture. Writing for the Harvard Business Review, Nataly Kogan offers six "simple, science-backed things you can do daily to improve your emotional fitness and well-being" in the workplace.

6 tips for becoming a collaborative leader (Wednesday, July 12)

Many leaders act as crusaders in their organization, working passionately to advocate for their vision, values, and goals — but leading this way can often be ineffective in the long-term. Writing for the Harvard Business Review, Luis Velasquez and Kristin Gleitsman offer six tips on how to become a more collaborative leader, instead of a crusader.

Scientists uncover genetic link to long COVID (Thursday, July 13)

According to a new preprint study, researchers have identified a DNA sequence that is associated with an increased risk of developing long COVID — findings that could help treat and prevent the condition in the future, Heidi Ledford writes for Nature.

Should you eat more dark chocolate? (Friday, July 14)

Many people feel that "eating chocolate is good for the soul" — and it may also be good for your health. Here's what you need to know.







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