Ready-to-Use Slides

The role of ASCs in health system growth strategy

Health systems are wary of moving specialty procedures out of hospitals, despite the increasing value proposition of ASCs. Download our ready-to-use slides to learn how ASCs can advance health systems' long-term strategic goals — and understand what's at risk if they fail to proactively consider their ASC strategy.
A surgeon talks to a patient in a hospital bed


ASC volume growth has surpassed that of inpatient and HOPD volumes, yet health systems are wary of moving procedures out of hospitals. In the future, health systems will need to view ASC investments as opportunities to support their system-level goals and strategies in the specialties that are most important to them for growth.

This slide deck establishes a sense of urgency for health systems to proactively consider their ASC strategy and provides actionable guidance to establish and operate financially sustainable ASCs.*


  • Hospitals and health systems

  • You will better understand the urgency to proactively consider your health system's ASC strategy today.
  • You will learn the ways in which ASC strategy can support long-term goals for your health system.

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