Expert Insight

Orthopedics growth forecast: What you need to know

According to our recently updated Market Scenario Planner, the orthopedics service line is poised for growth. Uncover the population dynamics and disease prevalence trends fueling this growth, and gain insights into the financial factors influencing the shift toward outpatient care. Learn how healthcare leaders can succeed in this evolving landscape.

We recently updated our volume forecasts, which are now available in the Market Scenario Planner. One of the standouts: total orthopedic volumes are slotted to grow 12% total between inpatient and outpatient settings. But a closer look at the data—and a wider perspective on the service line—reveals a more nuanced picture.


  • Hospitals and health systems

  • You’ll learn about the Market Scenario Planner tool and how it can project service line growth.
  • You’ll understand how value-based care and non-surgical alternatives are impacting demand for orthopedic treatments.

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