Case Study

How Frederick Health saved $2.3M through remote patient monitoring

Facing high readmissions and ED utilization rates, Frederick Health created a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program for patients transitioning out of home health services. Discover the three key strategies they employed to achieve high patient satisfaction, improved health outcomes, and cost savings of $2.3 million annually.


The challenge

Frederick Health operated a home health program for patients with complex care needs, but noticed a high readmissions rate and avoidable ED use.1

Because of Maryland’s reimbursement model, where hospital services cost the same for patients from the same facility, regardless of their insurance coverage, Frederick leaders wanted to create a care management solution to help provide additional monitoring for vulnerable patients and reduce unnecessary readmissions for patients transitioning out of the home care program.2


  • Hospitals and health systems
  • Physicians and medical groups

  • Learn the steps Frederick took to develop their RPM program.
  • Consider how approaches might apply at your organization.

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